Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Options Are they say - Entry 21

Welcome to cuffing season everyone!

(Praying I get cuffed someday) 

My personal trainer, who is secretly and not so secretly in love with me, told me about cuffing season. Before I get into the definition, I do want to give a shoutout to my trainer Simon! HEEYYOOO! He's wanted to be in a blog entry for a while so here you go :) He's told me that once I'm done trying to find the one, he'd be there for me *Cue the Jackson 5 singing I'll be there*

I do have a one true love though...and it's my nephew! He'll be my cuddle buddy all winter 😍

Anyways, at first, I didn't know what cuffing meant when Simon told me about it....he kind of described it as a time where the cold seasons begin and people want a person to cuddle with. People find that person and they cuff them...or put a title on things so they have a snuggle buddy for life! Well, that last part might not be true...maybe not for life, instead maybe just until Summer rolls around. But anyways, I decided to see if it was an actual thing, so naturally I googled it...and by golly Urban Dictionary has a freakin definition and scenario for cuffing season:

"During the Fall and Winter months people who would normally rather be single or promiscuous find themselves along with the rest of the world desiring to be "Cuffed" or tied down by a serious relationship. The cold weather and prolonged indoor activity causes singles to become lonely and desperate to be cuffed.
Brittany: Why is everyone trying to holla this week like outta no where?

Tiara: You know cuffing season is in full effect right?

Brittany: Oh yeah you right. I know I wont be sleeping alone this weekend.

Urban Freakin Dictionary is cooler than I am. Needless to say, I'd like to experience cuffing season buuuuutttt we'll just have to wait and see what happens. 

I recently went on a date that seemed as though it might have been promising. The young man on the other end of the text conversation was great at keeping conversation going and seemed very interested. He even called me a couple of times...unfortunately I wasn't in a place to answer but it's the thought that counts! After a few days of texting, we decided to meet. 

My first impression was mixed. Yes, he looked like his pictures but he didn't really make eye contact but I just chalked that up to being shy. I wanted to really give this guy a chance...something I didn't do much in the past. 

When we sat down, we were talking about our jobs, and then, for a split second it got quiet...and it all went to shit from there. He immediately looked down at his hands (which were placed under the table in his lap area) and asked "so if you could choose one movie to watch for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?" 

Remember this sign: 

I wanted to be you have topics to talk about on dates written on your hands???? The next question was "If you could choose anywhere in the world to live, where would it be, and why?" and then "If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be...and why?" and then "What's your favorite memory from your childhood and why?" Each time looking down at his lap area/hands just before asking the questions. This went on for an hour. He would ask me a question (essay style...always asking "and why") and I would answer it....I felt like we were in a job interview or I was writing a college entrance essay! 

Unfortunately the waiters were men and they weren't getting my hints to bring the damn check. No offense but they just don't get it as well as women might. I was literally giving them this face every time they came over to ask how we were doing: 

(My adorable nephew)

This face obviously means, HELP AND GIVE ME THE MOTHER F'ING CHECK! The face didn't work though...

So finally, he starts talking about the first time he got drunk.....

"I wasn't feeling well so I found a bush nearby and did a number 2. Once I was done, I felt better". 

😩 #NailInTheCoffin

What 30 year old says "I did a number 2"??? He could have just said he didn't feel well...

I finally gave up giving hints to the waiter and said "Can we get the check?"

I gave him a hug goodbye and we went our separate ways.........

As you can imagine, I won't be going on a number two (second) date with him...Get it? 

Don't forget to like my Instagram page @TheUnitedDatesOfSarah

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