Monday, March 24, 2014

The United Dates of Sarah - The Reality Of It - Entry 2

Let me tell you a little about my family. My mom's parents got married at 19 and have been married for 59 years, my parents got married at 23 and they have been married for 34 years, my sister started dating her husband at 18 and married him at 26. I'm 24. Not married. Not in a relationship with anyone. I guess I'm the black sheep of the family or maybe the token 3rd wheel, but this marriage thing does seem to have a pattern...I should be married by...let's see...about 30 and I guess it's better late than never right?! 

What's the reality of dating? It's aka-awkward! I told everyone last entry that I would tell the tales of a dad, a ghost hunter and a poker dealer, and I won't let you down! 

We'll start with The Dad. 

That's what we'll call him...The Dad. It all began when I was 20 years old. My sister and her boyfriend (now husband) were living at an apartment complex and The Dad worked there. One day I was visiting, and the complex just so happened to have an event! My sister and I went down to the clubhouse to join in on the festivities and then our eyes met! A very attractive, tall, dark and handsome employee of the apartment. We got to talking and exchanged numbers...this was going to be great right!?!? Wrong! After the first couple of dates, while I was at work, I received a text message from him. 

The Dad - "Hey...I have to tell you something"

Me - "Wuz up?"

The Dad - "I have a son"

Me - "oh wow! how old is he" (thinking this 24 year old guy might have just made a split decision to not wrap it up at the age of 16 because of the hormones and everything running through a teenager's body...if you know what I'm sayin')

The Dad - "3 months old. I hope this doesn't change anything"

**Thoughts running through my head at that moment: What do you mean you hope this doesn't change anything?!? I'm not ready for that. I mean, I love kids...but damn!! I'm 20 years old and a sophomore in college. I live with 5 other girls and why did he wait this long to tell me?! And what happened to the baby's mama?!?

                                                 4 hours response

Me - "Umm yeahhh it does. I'm not trying to be a step-mom right now and I hope you understand. Thanks for keeping it real and letting me know" (Although shouldn't you tell someone that like maybe on date one!?!)

The Dad - "You still want to go out tonight?"


Needless to say, we didn't end up going out ever again. Oh, here's the sister ended up going to another event that The Dad was working and guess who was there?!?!? Well I'll tell ya! His baby and HIS FIANCE!!! 

**For those of you who are 24 year old fathers (or younger or older or whatever)...I'm not saying it's a bad thing to have a child or an irresponsible thing or that you're a bad parent...I'm saying, if you're trying to date someone, tell them! Can I get a hoorahh for honesty?!?

On to the ghost hunter! 

Here's some family and I are big poker players. When I say big poker players, I just mean we love to play...but we're not's just our thing. Anyways, almost every New Years we go to a casino and January 2011 is when this story takes place. 

I was 20 years old heading into a San Diego Indian Casino (this was after The Dad incident). One of the guys working the front asked me for my name to put on the I did BUT it was just my first name! Keep that in mind!! Anyways, time went by, he got off of work, but came to our table to play some poker and to celebrate the New Year! He was fun but I thought nothing of it.

Fast forward to the next day! I get a Facebook friend request from him. HOW DID HE FIND ME?!?! We have no mutual friends, I just gave him my first name and maybe told him I went to SDSU. That was weird!!! This is where my mother comes in :) 

I call her up to tell her about how weird and creepy this friend request is...and her response..."Awww that's cute!!". WHAT?!? She goes on to tell me how I should give him a shot! 

Mom - "I didn't like your father at first but then I got to know him and fell in love! Try one date"

Me - "Really?!? Oyy Vey! Fine"

Soooo I listened to my mother which I do 99% of the time, although this should have been the 1% where I put my foot down and said "naaawwww".

Anyways, I'll just get to the date! He picks me up and we got to a Mexican food place and he starts drinking...and I mean, a lot! I'm not cool with that, which I had told him before because he WAS DRIVING! Anyways, first red flag. Then, during the ordering of our food, he asked me what I wanted, so I told him, and then HE GOT THE SAME THING hahah. This really isn't a big deal or a deal breaker but it's kind of annoying...can I get a hallelujah on that one?! here comes to deal breaker! As I'm sitting there asking myself when this date is going to end, he comes over to me and asks me if I believe in ghosts. 

Me - "uhh I don't think so. Maybe a higher power but not ghosts"

Him - "Check out this YouTube video though!!!"

Me - "What is it?"

Him - "In my free time, I'm a ghost hunter and I record it and put it on YouTube! Ohhh did you see that ball of light in the corner?!? That's a ghost".


Sooo at that point I decided this date was over...but only after watching multiple videos of him chasing ghosts.  I guess he was sober enough after this to drive me back which I was annoyed about. We get back safely, thank goodness, and I get out of the car.

Him - "What no hug or anything?"

Me - "Ummm car hugs are awkward sooo nawww".

After that we never went out again but he did send me multiple videos of him serenading me with his guitar. How sweet.  But here's an update on him!!! He just had a baby with his girlfriend. Good For Him! 

Ok! Last story for today! 

The Poker Dealer. 

So to make this mother isn't the only matchmaker in the house! My sister tries to get me married off too! 

One day in 2013...So I'm skipping a head a couple years...woohoo for time travel! 

Anyways, getting off topic..ok 2013 my sister went to a card room to play poker and started talking to this dealer (a different guy than the ghost hunter). She thought he was nice so she showed him a picture of me..and who knows...maybe it was love at first site for him. ANYWAYS, she comes to me later and tells me that I should be getting a friend request from this guy and proceeds to tell me I should accept. Being that my sister is older and I've procured a lot of dead arms from her in the past, I was going to obey :P (Love you Amy!).

Soooo as expected I received a friend request. Now, let me explain that I was a very busy person at that time! It was my senior year of college so I was a full time student, I had a 9-5 job working Thursday-Monday and I still had a social life. Ain't nobody got time to be annoyed. 

Ok so first he messaged me and it was fine and then I got busy and I stopped messaging back and then he got out of hand! He just kept messaging me over and over and over again!! Even though I wasn't replying. Sooo I deleted him. BAD IDEA! A couple months later I actually met him at the poker room.

Him - "Hey! So nice to finally meet you. Did you delete me?"


Me - "Umm no...what do you mean?"

Him - "I noticed the other day we were't friends anymore on Facebook"

Me - "So weird!!! Ok I'll add you again" :/


From then on...until about 3 months ago, when he got fired from the card room, he still messaged me...and I wasn't responding. 

Some might think that's mean...but really!?! Get the hint....She's just not that into you. 

Can you believe these stories are real and from guys I met in the day time, in real life and not online or on an app...Crazy. I know! 

The End!

Don't forget to email me any of your stories - 

I will post a new blog EVERY MONDAY! The next blog will be about my first speed dating experience so stay tuned! 

Anyways, here are SOME of the messages sent from the poker dealer - He's the white writing and I'm the blue...and also a random message I got from Ok Cupid the other day :P 


  1. Wow! What an interesting story!! When dating somebody, it's time to tell the whole truth first before going forward. Bad idea to leave the entire truth all the way behind while dating somebody. Just saying.

  2. So I should wait a few dates to break out my ghost hunting videos? Cool, this blog is super informative!
