Monday, March 31, 2014

The United Dates Of Sarah - "Life's a game made for everyone, And love is a prize" - Avicii - Entry 3

 Like I've said before, I usually listen to my parents but sometimes I have to remember, I can put my foot down.

First of all, I have to say that I love my parents. I would do anything for them and they would do anything for me. All they want is to see me happy, and in love, so they're trying everything they can to help me in my search for my P.I.C. (Partner In Crime). 

My mom had been asking me to try speed dating and every time I brushed it off, but she would not let it go! This is a story of how you should always try and make the best of every situation...even if it's awkward, uncomfortable and you'd rather be at home watching "The Bachelor". 

It was a couple days before my birthday in early March 2014 (I know...happy birthday to me!!) and I got an email from my mom. The title of the email was "this is in your NEIGHBORHOOD" and the e-mail said the following: "YOU SHOULD AT LEAST TRY IT ONCE!"and then added the link to a speed dating site.

Yes, my mother loves to yell at me over emails, or she doesn't understand how caps locks works, but either way, it's always loving. Anyways, my response to her  "Fine, I'll do it. Is it just Jews or a mix?"

The reason I asked if it was just a Jewish thing was because I wanted my non-Jewish co-worker to come too, but my mom's response: "That one is just Jews."

Well, looks like I'm going at it alone.

Lo and behold...I come to find that this is my birthday gift...Geeee thanks mom and dad :).

So the big day comes and I tell my boss that I can't stay late because my future husband is waiting! Or so I had hoped.

As I pull into the parking lot of the restaurant where this event is being held, I tell myself to be open minded to what ever is in store...and then, I go inside the restaurant where I will describe the scene.

Bald heads, grey hair and guys shorter than me!!! That's hard to do because I'm only 5 feet tall. I was told that the age range for this shindig was 23-33...these guys were anything but!

Anyways, I sign in, get my name tag and continue to an empty table in the corner of the bar. The way speed dating works is that the women stay seated and the men move from table to table. 

As I'm sitting at my table in the corner, a girl starts to approach the table next to mine, so I smile, however it wasn't reciprocated. Although she hadn't shown any interest in talking, I say "Hi", and she just looks at me and says, "oh, you're name is Sarah too? Maybe we shouldn't sit next to each other, it'll be confusing. Do you want to move?"

**Thoughts in my head** Do I want to move?? What kind of question...I was here first! And RUDE!"

I just looked at her and said, "no I think we'll be fine" and smiled. I then asked her if she had ever done this before and she looked at me out of the corner of her eye and just nodded.

Ok, well I guess that was that. It's on b*tch! No, I'm joking...I'm sure she's a nice person, just a liiitttle competitive for my taste.

Now on to the men!

I don't really remember all of the conversations I had, but I'll explain what I do recall from these eligible bachelors!

Eligible Bachelor #1: He sits down with a huge smile on his face and starts talking about basketball! Don't get me wrong, I love myself some Lakers, but we ONLY have 5 minutes to talk until you're rushed away to another table and you're going to only talk about basketball? NEXT

**Every time I say NEXT...It's said like this in my head..see below :) 

Eligible Bachelor #2: His teeth are rotted out of his mouth. NEXT

Eligible Bachelor #3: He's bald and I'm pretty sure in his 40's. NEXT

**Nothing against 40 year old guys. Everyone needs some lovin', but I'm 24. Sorry, but that's not in my range :P 

Eligible Bachelor #4: He has gray hair and I'm pretty sure in his 40's. NEXT

Eligible Bachelor #5-#6: I don't remember to be honest...but NEXT

Eligible Bachelor #7: He started telling me how he moved out here from Israel with his brother and that he had a cat. However, his current roommate was allergic to cats so he had to move out. "Wait" I said, "Is your roommate your brother?" He nodded and continued to say that he was actually at this event with his brother too. Umm ok...I'm slightly confused as to why he told me that little story about his cat. He had very dry humor and didn't really smile. NEXT 

Eligible Bachelor #8: The brother. NEXT

Sooo at this point I've decided that this is basically like rushing a sorority. For those of you who haven't ever rushed, you're pretty much asked the same questions over and over and over again like: What's your major? What year are you? Where are you from? etc. etc. But at speed dating, you're asked: Where are you from? What do you do? Where did you go to school?

I decided to switch it up at this point! I had two eligible bachelors left and I was bored. I made up a question really quickly as eligible bachelor #9 sat down.

Me: Ok, I'm going to throw you a curve ball. I know you and I have been asked the same thing about 9 different times at this point so here's a question I'm sure you haven't answered yet. If you could choose to be any ice cream, what would you be and why?

Eligible Bachelor #9: And why?? Really? Ok, ummm Mint Chocolate Chip? Because I like to be minty fresh? Ok, now I can ask you a weird question. If you could be any appliance, what would you be and why?

Me: I would be an oven because I love to bake and without me (an oven), there would be no brownies or cookies or cakes.

Eligible Bachelor #9: Huh...ok. Silence. NEXT

Eligible Bachelor #10: NEXT

So at the end of this, I was back to square one...but not quite! The whole time I had been eyeing a bartender who was tall, dark and handsome. He had disappeared during the last 20 minutes of the event, and a new bartender showed up. I decided at that moment, to walk up to the bar and say,

Me: Hi! Do you know the other bartender that was here who had a beard and dark hair?

Bartender: Yes

Me: Is he single?

Bartender: Yes

Me: Is he looking?

Bartender: Yes

Me: Ok, well can I write my phone number down and can you give it to him for me?

Bartender: Sure

Me: Great! Here you go! Thanks :)

As I walked out of the restaurant, I felt like I had proven to myself that I could take any situation and make it a learning experience and a good experience. I probably won't do speed dating again, BUT it was something I can write about...sooo there's that. 

Don't forget to email me any stories you may have!
And Follow Me On Twitter @UntDatesOfSarah

I post new blogs ever MONDAY! If you're interested in subscribing, scroll all the way down and it should say "subscribe" :) 

Don't forget to check in next Monday to read about the date I call - The Wolf Of Wall Street.

Now enjoy what this 58 year old man wrote to me! And a nice girl from Norway wrote to me and shared some of her messages. See the second picture for that!


  1. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    I'm done

  2. Hahaha #9 must have been looking for a microwave kinda girl.
